Dashboard for team productivity

Team intelligence platform to analyze performance of each person. Get the metrics and benchmarks to drive higher impact per team member.

Trusted by managers from leading companies

Trusted by the best leaders

Enabled by leaders from world renowned companies

Enabled by leaders from world renowned companies

Enabled by leaders from world renowned companies

Enabled by leaders from world renowned companies


You have all important data. We'll help you gain insights from it.

Get the full picture of your team work and make data-driven decisions.


Integrate all your tools

We will help you get the most comprehensive analytics for your team from event-based singnals


Integrate all your tools

We will help you get the most comprehensive analytics for your team from event-based singnals


Integrate all your tools

We will help you get the most comprehensive analytics for your team from event-based singnals


Integrate all your tools

We will help you get the most comprehensive analytics for your team from event-based singnals


10x visibility

AI system allow you to be ahead of time predicting performance drop for every team member and react proactively


10x visibility

AI system allow you to be ahead of time predicting performance drop for every team member and react proactively


10x visibility

AI system allow you to be ahead of time predicting performance drop for every team member and react proactively


10x visibility

AI system allow you to be ahead of time predicting performance drop for every team member and react proactively


Player Cards

Every team member has it's own profile with detailed usage statistics of each tool. We're not optimizing for some specific one KPI, we do a wholistic analysis of your team behaviour to help you notice good and bad and support them on their way


Player Cards

Every team member has it's own profile with detailed usage statistics of each tool. We're not optimizing for some specific one KPI, we do a wholistic analysis of your team behaviour to help you notice good and bad and support them on their way


Player Cards

Every team member has it's own profile with detailed usage statistics of each tool. We're not optimizing for some specific one KPI, we do a wholistic analysis of your team behaviour to help you notice good and bad and support them on their way


Player Cards

Every team member has it's own profile with detailed usage statistics of each tool. We're not optimizing for some specific one KPI, we do a wholistic analysis of your team behaviour to help you notice good and bad and support them on their way

Science-based team intelligence

Our own methodology and AI system allow you to see deeper. Productivity metrics battle tested in Netflix, Amazon, Google and 1000+ other high-performance companies..

Science-based team intelligence

Our own methodology and AI system allow you to see deeper. Productivity metrics battle tested in Netflix, Amazon, Google and 1000+ other high-performance companies..

Science-based team intelligence

Our own methodology and AI system allow you to see deeper. Productivity metrics battle tested in Netflix, Amazon, Google and 1000+ other high-performance companies..

Science-based team intelligence

Our own methodology and AI system allow you to see deeper. Productivity metrics battle tested in Netflix, Amazon, Google and 1000+ other high-performance companies..